A grass which nearly became extinct!

Cocksfoot grass in the Karoo

Karoo Ridge Conservancy Blog The first tuft of South African Cocksfoot grass (Tetrachne dregei) found on Karoo Ridge Conservancy was in a very unlikely place, on the side of a road, and was literally ONE tuft. Even so – great excitement! Out came the GPS and the smallest sample was taken to check under the microscope that […]


Steenbok steenbuck in the karoo bush grass

Karoo Ridge Conservancy Blog Steenbok are such elegant little antelope. They only weigh up to about 10kg. Like cats, they do their “business” in scrapings which they then diligently cover up. We have noticed a significant lack of Steenbok on the newest section of Karoo Ridge Conservancy. This is probably due to packs of dogs […]

Yellow Mongoose

Yellow Mongoose in karoo bush

Karoo Ridge Conservancy Blog We always see Yellow Mongoose streaking across dirt roads and open areas as fast as they can possibly go. Foraging alone, they are creatures of habit and stick to known pathways. It is easy to assume they are loners but they are in the process of evolving to become more sociable […]

Mountain Reedbuck

herd of mountain reedbuck in karoo stones, grass, bush

Karoo Ridge Conservancy Blog Mountain Reedbuck are always thought of as being a very common game species. But, believe it or not, they were recently listed as an endangered species. Sadly their population has been declining throughout Southern Africa and is estimated to have dropped 55% in the last 15 years. That is an awful […]

Summer Visitors

striped swallows pair sitting on a wire

Karoo Ridge Conservancy Blog All the swallows which make their way down to us for the summer months are AMAZING! They are real “globetrotters”. Barn Swallows usually reach us in October / November in time for the summer. They travel from Northern Europe and Asia and then head back when the temperatures start to drop. […]

Dads and Lads

group of people standing on Karoo rock in sunset

Karoo Ridge Conservancy Blog Whoa! We are just taking a moment to draw breath after our very first Dads and Lads weekend. And what a weekend it was! A weekend package that’s jam-packed with action and adventure: from tagging calves (not as easy as it sounds) to learning a thing or two about shooting using […]


karoo eco lodge accommodation exterior veranda hammock

Karoo Ridge Conservancy Blog We’ve been lucky enough to have a fantastic day out on the conservancy with the brilliant Rob Southey, exploring the lands through the eyes of a karoo photographer. We were blessed with magical light and clear skies throughout the day and evening and are just thrilled with the results. We hope you […]

The start of something good…

Karoo Ridge Conservancy Blog Like most good ideas it all started with cold beers sitting around a fire in a boma and a late night chat about how to leave the world a better place…. And so for the last few years a team of us have been building the ever-growing project, Karoo Ridge Conservancy. […]