landscape of karoo mountains valley road bush

International Firefighters Day

Karoo Ridge Conservancy Blog

Every year a vibrant group of enthusiastic hikers come to stay at Karoo Ridge Conservancy. What one doesn’t realise about this relaxed group of friends is that they are prepared to put their lives in danger on a regular basis. They have undergone lots of training, they have learnt to trust each other explicitly, they work as a team and safety comes first. They are firefighters. Often on the front line with flames leaping about them.

Group of people sitting around karoo drinks evening

    “Danger…..absolute trust….lots and lots of training…” 

   “It’s like hot, sweaty, dirty, high speed gardening…”

“99% of the training we do is safety first and team work…”

Today is INTERNATIONAL FIREFIGHTERS day. You have our full appreciation, recognition and RESPECT.


For more information go to